Saturday, May 16, 2009

And the Ferglet is....

We are having a daughter!! We were both surprised, as we both had boy vibes, as did our Doctor! John took a day or two to get used to it, but I'm pretty sure she'll be daddy's little princess. :) I am really excited, and went out and bought a couple girly onesies today, one with red ruffles and cherries all over it, and another that was pink polka dotted and says "I ♥ DAD".

The ultrasound took well over an hour, because she was all curled up in the position you see in the photo. She was sitting in the breach position, and her feet were tucked up by her chin. Those little lines under the "a" in the picture are her toes! Because she was stubborn (imagine that, my daughter being stubborn!), we have to go back next month and get another ultrasound next month because they couldn't get a clear picture of her spine. Hopefully next time she will cooperate more with the ultrasound tech! :)

And now, here are some "belly pics" for you to see!

18 weeks
20 weeks

1 comment:

  1. I would never have imagined in a million years a Williams girl would be stubborn...hehe

