Saturday, July 25, 2009

30 weeks! Wow!

Hello all! It has been a while since I've thought to blog. Sorry if you were waiting in suspense. :)

Everything has looked great with Mairi at the doctor since we were hospitalized. My hemoglobin was really low last week, but they gave me an iron supplement and I have been fine. The doctor also sent me to physical therapy for my back injury, and they gave me a "mommy to be" brace. That has helped minimize my back pain a lot, which is wonderful. Generally I am feeling well, although I am sleepy a lot and I feel huge a lot. I can't get enough smoothies and icees, probably because I'm so hot all the time! We have 9.5 weeks to go, and we are getting excited! We had our hospital tour this week (we said hi to our old room), filled out our birth plan, and got a goody bag from the hospital. :)

Now I'll share with you a nice pregnancy survey:

I Am This Far Along: 30 weeks.

The BEST Part of Being Pregnant Is: I love feeling her move around in my belly! Sometimes it hurts a little, sometimes it's touching, and sometimes it's downright comical. My friend Chris asked me a few weeks ago if we were going to raise Mairi as a Catholic, and she kicked so hard that it hurt! So we figure she is really for it, or adamantly against it. :)

The WORST Part of Being Pregnant Is: "Take it easy!", "Don't do that!". I am not very good at asking other people for help with things, and I'm not used to being treated like I'm going to break. I am as careful as possible, but sometimes I forget that I just can't do everything that other people can do. Like SHAVE my freaking LEGS by myself. (Thanks for your help, John!)

This Has Been My Most Ridiculous Craving So Far: I haven't had any really strange cravings. Nothing crazy, really. What surprises me about cravings is not that I'm getting them, but when I do I need whatever I'm craving IMMEDIATELY. Like, right now. I'm not very patient.

This Is The Nick-Name We Have Come Up With For the Fetus: Well, as you now know, her name is Mairi, so we call her that. But we called her "Ferglet" for a long time.

This Was The Time I Felt The Most "Pregnant": I feel very pregnant when I get out of bed and when I try to gracefully exit my car. Or when I bend over to pick something up. Ugh.

This Is The WORST Baby Name My Partner/Family/Coworker Have Suggested So Far: LOL not too many people have dared suggest a name to us. Which is probably a good thing. :)

The Silliest Piece Of Unsolicited Advice I Have Recieved Thus Far Is: OMG I'm not sure. I don't really listen to that anyway. I can't think of anything. One woman told me three weeks ago that I was probably going to go into labor within the week because my back was hurting. I told her no, that I had a back injury that was causing my back pain. And she said no, when you're pregnant back pain is always indicative of early onset labor. Whatever.

People Have/Haven't Started To Touch My Belly Without Asking: UGH I hate this. A LOT. Strangers are bad enough, but it's the worst when it's someone I know who I haven't seen in a while. I would never grope someone like that! Ugh!!

I Believe The Baby Is A(Boy or Girl?): It's a GIRL. And after the 5 ultrasounds we've had to have, I feel very confident that this is true! :)

Funniest Place I Have Unwittingly Fallen Asleep: I fell asleep in the bathtub a few nights ago with my blackberry in my hand, precariously dangling above the water. Good thing John found me before my blackberry took a bath, too!

My Pregnancy IDOL Is: I don't know if I necessarily have one. I will say though, that I have immense sympathy and respect for women who desperately want to get pregnant but are struggling to for whatever reason. We were surprised by this pregnancy, but I feel so lucky that we are going to welcome our little girl into the world without experiencing the pain of infertility.

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